Exploration Upper Stage Umbilical (EUSU) – JP Donovan was contracted to build, test, and install the EUSU for NASA’s ML-2. This umbilical will provide ground-side support for the Exploration Upper Stage (EUS), which is the main source of propulsion for the Orion Crew Module during its interplanetary transport to the moon and beyond. The EUS will fly on Block 1B of NASA’s SLS Rocket.
This unique umbilical is the first two-armed umbilical designed by NASA. Its purpose is to provide the cryogenic fuel, pneumatics, electronics, and Environmental Control Systems (ECS) to the EUS while on the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center (KSC). There are two active hinges and one passive hinge that provide the umbilical the ability to extend and retract, while two compliance mechanisms allow harmless interface with the EUS and the SLS vehicle